Overview of VoIP-equipment Manufacturers
Overview of VoIP-equipment Manufacturers
08-Jun-2016 09:04

Overview of VoIP-equipment Manufacturers

Nowadays, the telecommunications market is represented by the VoIP-equipment from different manufacturers, which differ in appearance, functionality, and price. With such a variety, you can be easily confused and have doubts about buying those or other VoIP gateways. To help you understand this question, we have prepared an overview of the largest manufacturers in this segment, whose products are most popular.

  1. Grandstream
  2. Grandstream is the world-famous manufacturer of a new generation of hardware, used in VoIP-telephony. The product line includes GSM gateways, IP-Phones, VoIP-adapters, mini ip pbx voip. The equipment of this brand is based on the popular SIP protocol. The analog gateways from Grandstream are equipped with FXO and FXS ports to connect to the VoIP-networks, analog telephone lines, and standard telephones. There are 4- and 8-por devices. The grandstream voip gateway and others fit for small businesses that refused from analog communication in favor of the VoIP-telephony.

  3. Digium
  4. The manufacturer has become a pioneer in the IP-telephony world since it has begun to develop VoIP-systems with open source code based on Asterisk. Digium produces analog gateways, IP-phones, and software for IP-telephony. The company is a developer of Asterisk and Switchvox. The equipment offered by manufacturers supports the SIP protocol. It is ideal for the creation of a modern business telephone system.

    Are you interested in VoIP technology? Are you looking for a reliable start-up in the telecommunications sector? You will be interested in the opportunity to start a GSM termination business . You can get the maximum profit making the minimal investment! We offer a turnkey GoAntiFraud solution for beginners, which includes opportunities for efficient VoIP termination, as well as a set of equipment by GoIP, EjoinTech & China Skyline at low cost.
  5. Topex
  6. The Romanian company produces VoIP gateways for traditional telephony networks (both analog and digital), as well as GSM-networks. The manufacturer’s products can be used for the organization of an IP-telephony in the corporate segment, as well as for the GSM traffic termination business. The product line also includes media gateways that support up to 10/30 GSM-channels and 60 VoIP-channels.

  7. Dinstar
  8. The Chinese manufacturer turns out various GSM traffic termination equipment. The model range includes VoIP GSM gateways, SIM-banks, analog gateways with FXO port and FXS, carrier trunk VoIP gateways, etc. Dinstar also offers SIMCLOUD software, which is a cloud solution to control the SIM-bank.

  9. GoIP
  10. The equipment from GoIP provides connectivity of GSM and VoIP networks. Under this brand, they produce GSM gateways and SIM-boxes from the VoIP-producers DBL and Hybertone. The GoIP devices allow implementing inbound and outbound voice traffic. The equipment has built-in support for Internet protocols SIP and H.323 and is suitable for GSM termination in small and large quantities.

  11. China Skyline
  12. It is another Chinese manufacturer, which produces VoIP GSM gateways and SIM-banks. The product line contains multifunctional GSM/CDMA gateways, which have a built-in SIM-box. Thus, the user can not only use a gateway for connecting GSM and VoIP-networks but also for the integrated SIM-card keeping.

You can run a profitable VoIP termination business in any country by connecting your equipment to GoAntiFraud. Our integrated solution greatly reduces risks of blocking of SIM-cards by AntiFraud systems. We also offer
NewBusiness packages for beginners that provide everything necessary for a successful start, including a set of VoIP equipment by GoIP, EjoinTech & ChinaSkyline.
Start UP Light - $1300
If you purchase the START UP LIGHT package, you can get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
Start UP - $1900
If you purchase the START UP package, you can get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
DeLuxe - $5600
By purchasing the DELUXE package, you get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
DeLuxe Plus - $6700
By purchasing the DELUXE package, you get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
Ultimate - $10500
You are welcome to buy the ULTIMA package and get your equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...

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