Top 5 GSM Latin America Operators
Top 5 GSM Latin America Operators
24-May-2017 12:05

Top 5 GSM Latin America Operators

In the countries of Latin America, there are good opportunities for starting a call termination business. The telecommunications market is well developed here as the penetration level of mobile communications reached 67% in 2017. In Ecuador this figure is 100%, in Guatemala - 140%, in Argentina - 150%. By placing VoIP equipment in Latin America, the terminator can make good money. It is important to choose the right operator to terminate international traffic.

Give preference to the major mobile operators as they provide a lot of GSM traffic. Accordingly, you can have the maximum number of calls paid off.

Complete NewBusiness solution from GoAntiFraud is your successful start into the GSM termination! We provide ready-business on a turnkey basis, which includes a set of GoIP equipment by EjoinTech or ChinaSkyline, convenient software to computerize the operation and efficient tools to protect the SIM-cards from the lock. We also provide qualified technical support at every stage of your business. Our business model is based on the successful experience of more than 2,000 customers in 31 countries!

The Latin American market is dominated by 5 large transnational operators, which account for 80% of the region's subscribers. They are:

  • America Movil. The Mexican cellular company, which is the largest player in the region. It operates in 17 countries, including Europe and the USA. By the number of subscribers, America Movil is the 4th in the world. In Latin America, it operates under the brands Telmex, Telcel, and Claro. The total subscriber base includes more than 215 million users. The company is represented in countries such as Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, and others.
  • Telefonica. In Latin America, this Spanish company takes the second place and operates under the brand Movistar (in Brazil - Vivo). The Brazilian market is the key market for Telefónica, where its subscriber base consists of over 79 million users.
  • Telecom Italia is another mobile operator that works in Brazil mainly. It is also presented in Argentina under the brand Telecom Argentina.
  • Mollicom. Provides cellular services under the Tigo brand in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Bolivia, Colombia, and Paraguay.
  • Digicel. The main player in the Caribbean region, working in the Dominican Republic, Panama, Guadeloupe, El Salvador, etc.

The larger the GSM operator is, the more expensive the services of landing its traffic are, as a rule. Place gsm sip gateways in one of the countries of Latin America and buy a SIM-card of the top operator, and you will obtain a stable high profit.

If you are just starting your way in GSM termination - start it with GoAntiFraud! For beginners, we offer a complete NewBusiness solution that includes a set of necessary VoIP equipment and software for automation of business processes and proven tools to protect against AntiFraud systems. Over 2,000 customers in 31 countries have succeeded in the GSM termination using our service. You can become one of them!
Start UP Light - $1300
If you purchase the START UP LIGHT package, you can get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
Start UP - $1900
If you purchase the START UP package, you can get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
DeLuxe - $5600
By purchasing the DELUXE package, you get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
DeLuxe Plus - $6700
By purchasing the DELUXE package, you get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
Ultimate - $10500
You are welcome to buy the ULTIMA package and get your equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...

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