Features of GSM VoIP gateways
Features of GSM VoIP gateways
11-Mar-2021 15:52

Features of GSM VoIP gateways

GSM gateway GOIP

To organize low-cost telephony abroad and to other cities, entrepreneurs connect GSM VoIP gateways that allow combining several telephony formats. This saves money and time when users pay for calls at local rates, regardless of their location.

Experienced terminators call the VoIP GSM gateway a 3-in-one device that transfers calls from the IP format to GSM and back, completely combining VoIP and GSM. This makes it indispensable to install it in other countries and cities where it is planned to organize branches of the company.

The equipment allows you to save on employee salaries, port rent, and additional phone numbers. The latter is especially valuable since after installing the gateway, additional lines are free of charge, and when moving to a new office, phone numbers are saved forever.

But that's not all! VoIP GSM gateway is also notable for the presence of many services for excellent communication. All employee conversations with customers can be recorded using the SpRecord function, which allows the manager to analyze the communication with customers. Missed calls are also not ignored, they are stored in the database, employees can always call back to customers for free, using the Call-Back function.

The gateways are easy to manage. They can be set for any requests. For example, for consulting services, it is quite possible to set up database management and archiving of information. In contrast, for warehouses, it is more important to forward calls to convenient devices, for the secretary's department and government offices, fax functions, a list of access to user authorization will be useful, and most stores and service centers will not do without setting up voice and electronic notifications for their customers.

Also, many entrepreneurs optimize VoIP gateways by connecting the GoAntiFraud service to it, and this is a ready-made platform for traffic termination.

Start UP Light - $1300
If you purchase the START UP LIGHT package, you can get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
Start UP - $1900
If you purchase the START UP package, you can get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
DeLuxe - $5600
By purchasing the DELUXE package, you get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
DeLuxe Plus - $6700
By purchasing the DELUXE package, you get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
Ultimate - $10500
You are welcome to buy the ULTIMA package and get your equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...

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